(updated December 31, 2019)

Welcome to this Reflex Publishing, Inc. (“Reflex”) website. This policy describes the information collected on this website and how it may be used and/or shared. If you do not agree to this Privacy Policy, you may not utilize this website.

Regarding personal information.
Some Reflex websites may collect personal information when you choose to voluntarily provide it via an email or when you complete and submit a contact form. This type of information may include your name, company name, address, email address, and/or phone number.

Regarding IP addresses and other Data.
Reflex and/or third parties may collect your IP (Internet Protocol) address, browser user agent, referral website, and a cookie id.  Information collected may include:

Regarding cookies.
Reflex and/or third parties may be placing or reading “cookies” on your internet browser. Cookies are bits of text transferred to your computer’s hard drive through your browser. They allow Reflex and/or third party systems to recognize your browser, remember your information and link your activities to you. Should you block or disable these cookies, this website may not work and/or appear as intended. Nevertheless, if you want to take these steps, you can do so by following instructions related to your browser.

Regarding use of SSL.
Some Reflex websites may utilize SSL, the current industry standard encryption protocol. You will know you are on such an SSL page when you see a picture of a closed lock at the bottom or top of some Web browsers. Another way to tell if you are on a secure page is to look at the address or URL of the page. (Look in the address box or right-click on the page and select “Properties”.) These secure SSL encrypted pages have URLs that start with https:// instead of http://.

Regarding Reflex’s use of information collected. Information Reflex collects pursuant to this Privacy Policy may be used for its business purposes, including to deliver, administer, update and improve the website and/or services provided to you, to enhance and optimize the website, to assess and diagnose potential issues and/or risks such as errors, security risks, fraudulent activity and/or abusive activity, and may be used to aggregate statistics and analytics from the website. Reflex shares this information with employees that need to know in order to help Reflex provide its websites, services, or to process the information for ourselves. Reflex may share information with third parties as described in the “Regarding information collected by third parties” section below. Reflex may use and/or retain personal information you voluntarily provide us (name, company name, address, email address, and/or phone number) to identify you, to reply and/or contact you in reference to a comment, inquiry or assistance request, to manage and/or promote our relationship with you, and/or for other legal and/or legitimate business purposes. Reflex may disclose personal information when required by law or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the edicts of the law, to comply with a legal process served on Reflex and/or this website, and/or to protect the property and/or people of Reflex, third parties, or the public.

Regarding the storage, security and retention of information collected.
Reflex transfers, stores and protects information collected utilizing SSL or other generally accepted industry standards. Reflex retains such information for as long as necessary to provide its service(s) to you and/or for other legitimate and/or legal purposes.

Regarding information collected by third parties.
This website may consist of third-party advertising, links to other websites, and/or content from third parties. Third party websites, businesses, advertisers, or advertising entities working on their behalf sometimes use technology to deliver the advertisements that appear on our website directly to your browser. They automatically receive your IP address when this happens. They may also use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons, and other technologies that they may use, and the information practices of these advertisers and third-party websites or businesses are not covered by this Privacy Policy but are covered by their respective privacy policies. For Google’s policy, please visit the following:
Some, but not all, third party advertising companies provide a mechanism to opt-out of their technology. For more information and identification of advertisers that provide an opt-out mechanism, please visit the following:

For California residents who are visitors.  Reflex has not sold information collected over the last twelve months.  Reflex websites have, in the past 12 months, collected personal information under the following CCPA categories:  

-Indentifiers (name, address, email address, online identifier, or IP (Internet Protocol) address),

-Personal information categories listed in California Civil Code Section 1798.80(e) (name, address, telephone number), and  

-Internet or other similar network activity (browsing history, information on visitor’s interaction with a website).

Reflex uses the information collected in these CPAA categories as described in this Privacy Policy.  If you are a visitor to this Reflex website and a resident of the state of California, and you wish to view, transfer or delete your personal information and/or otherwise exercise your rights pursuant to the CCPA, please call 813-328-1000, or email

Regarding European Economic Area visitors.  If you are a visitor/customer from the European Economic Area, and you wish to view, update, delete, or transfer your personal information and/or otherwise exercise your rights pursuant to the GDPR, please email

Regarding ownership and transfer of information.
Subject to applicable law, all information collected on this website is considered to be an asset of Reflex and as such may be shared and/or transferred as described in this policy and/or as part of a merger or acquisition (or contemplated merger or acquisition) of Reflex and/or this website.

Regarding changes to this policy.
Reflex may alter this policy from time to time, so you are encouraged to review this Privacy Policy periodically.

If you have further questions, send an email to